CIA Grant Funding The Alabama Historical State Commission, State Preservation Office awarded $11,000 for educational programs and historical site preservation. The grant funding will be used to jumpstart educational programs and maintain the site at 3180 Sandtown Road. The Grant for $250,000, awarded October 2014, to date funds to reface/refurbish Old Sandtown School, a new historical site in Millbrook, have not been received. CIA remains hopeful that refurbishment will begin soon, as CIA is in progression of its 2017 Summer Program for youth. African American History Month CIA celebrated African American History Month on Feb 21, 2016 by recognizing youth contributions in leadership, the Arts, Poetry, Music, and Athletics. Dr. Keshia Boyd, speaker, encouraged youth in her speech on Courage; highlighting the courage of Harriet Tubman, an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and a Union spy during the American Civil War. Youth recognized were honored at the event and have moved on to do the following things: 1. Xavier Rogers, Trackster & Medalist; South Alabama University, Mobile, AL 2. Jalynn Knight, Trackster; US Army 3. Kyla Reeves, Softball; Allen University, SC 4. Timothy Brown, Football; Huntington Univ., Montgomery, AL 5. Katelyn Landrum, Music (Piano); Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL 6. Jayla Thomas, Music (Singer); US Army 7. Euliah Reaves (Art & Poetry); Trenholm State Univ., Montgomery, AL. GRANTS AWARDS December 2, Giving Tuesday Board Member Bessie Jones and Catherine Parker, CIA Secretary, attended the Central Alabama Community Foundation & Affiliates 27th Annual Grants Award Presentation. CIA was awarded $1,000 to assist Kids Journey programs with staff, playground equipment and the Arts. CIA is very grateful to the Foundation for "seeing the need, and answering the call." |
CIA CalendarCIA Meetings (6pm) 1st Monday Board Meeting and 3rd Monday General Meeting Distinguished Seniors Tuesday, 10:00 am-12:30 pm February 4 & 18 Black History Program Location: 3180 Sandtown Rd., Millbrook, AL CIA Youth Teen Board taking applications (School Year 2023-24) -A SAFE PLACE- PIANO LESSONS Miss Katelyn Landrum, Instructor (To be Announced [TBA]) |